The Witches Brew Magazine
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A Magazine for the Pagan Community, Features Articles, Coven Profiles from around the world, and INFORMATION on Practicing the Craft. This includes information on stones, herbs, and ritual practices of many paths. Networking you to the rest of the world and providing you with the information and knowledge for your spiritual practice.
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The Current Issue

The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine: January, February, March 2024. Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Rituals of Life- Birth
Healing from The Kitchens by Sirona Rose
Deitis of Birth in the Roman Worrld
Spinals by Armid Rose
The Church, The Mosque, and Pagan Temples by William Brigley
and our other features..
Back Issues

The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine: January, February, March 2024. Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Marriage & Handfasting History
Healing from The Kitchens by Sirona Rose
The Vulture Gods Misunderstood
Dragons Blood by Armid Rose
and our other features..
The Witch's Brew, Vol 11 Issue 4
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine October, November, December 2023 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Year of the Wood Dragon
Dragons, Dragons Everywhere by Dr. Rev. Alfred Willowhawk
Everyday Kitchen Magic by Sirona Rose
Moss Agate by Armid Rose
The Witchs Brew, Issue 11 Volume 3
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine July, August, September 2023 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
The Magic Cirvle & Ritual
Community Spotlight Rev. Terry Riley
Everyday Kitchen Magic by Sirona Rose
Red Jasper by Armid Rose
and our other features..
Witches Brew Magazine, Vol. 11 Issue 2
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine April, May, June 2023 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Lughnasdh From Around the World
Community Spotlight Tamara Von Forslun
Cooking for Health Skin by Sirona Rose
and our other features..

The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine Jan. Feb. March 2023 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Rethinking the Watchtower by Mike Nichols
Community Spotlight Lord Alexian
Shedding Winters Skin by Sirona Rose
Hummingbird the Mystical Flyer

10 - 4
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine. Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Year of the Black Water Rabbit
Community Spotlight L Circle of Ancient Wisdom
Getting to The Root by Sirona Rose
Tektite by Armid Rose
Bunny Goddesses
and our regular featured items....

10 - 3 Anniversary Edition
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine July, Aug., Sept. 2022 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
In Dreams
Community Spotlight Abigail Spinner McBride
One A Day by Sirona Rose
Apatite Mystical Stone by Armid Rose
The Cauldron by Calan Rose
And Our other regular features

10 - 2
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine April, May, June 2022 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
The Magic of Trees Part 2
Community Spotlight Hem Netjer
Pomona's Garden by Sirona Rose
Serpentine by Armid Rose
And Our other regular features

10 - 1 Anniversary Edition
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine January, Feb., March 2022 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Numerology Past and Present
Community Spotlight Melissa Anderson
Chocolate by Sirona Rose
Khonsu, God of The Moon
Magic of Trees
And Our other regular features

The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine October, November, December 2021) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Year of the Tiger 2022
Community Spotlight Sue Balaschek
Creation & Myth of the Blackfoot
The Lotus by Sirona Rose
Odin & Norse Myth
And Our other regular features

Vol. 9 Issue 3
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan MagazineJuly, Aug. Sept. 2021) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Chinese Gods of the Underworld
Community Spotlight Alfred Willowhawk
A Study of Elements by Aronon C'ean
Mushrooms & Fungi by Sirona Rose
And Our other regular features

Vol. 9 Issue 2
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine April, May, June 2021) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Egyptian Festivals
Symbols, Language, and Magic by Alfred Willowhawk
The Dragon Teaches by Aronon C'ean
Cooling Herbs for a Sultry Summer by Sirona Rose
Eye of Horus, Eye of Ra
And Our other regular features

Vol. 9 Issue 1
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine January, Feb. March 2021 Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue
Hungry Ghost
Spotlight : Ginger Ackley
The Visionary Healer by Sirona Rose
The Origins of Easter
Sacred Legends of the First People
And Our other regular features

Vol. 8 Issue 4
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine January, Feb, March 2021) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
Chinese New Year - 2021 White Metal Ox
Spotlight L Aranon C'ean
Elements and Elementals
Chinese Herbs by Sirona Rose
and other featured articles...

- The Witch's Brew
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine July, August, September 2020) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue contains
Spotlight Alexander Cabot
Egyptian Astrology
The Goddess Ravana
Egyptian Healing Herbs
Hag Stones
and much more of our regular articles
and much much more.....

Vol. 8 Issue 2
The Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine April, May, June 2020) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. . PRINTED VERSION
This Issue contains
Spotlight Brian Henke
Energy Centers, Chakras
Choosing your Path
Chakra Stones, and Herbs
and much more of our regular articles
and much much more.....

Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine (Jan., Feb., March 2020) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. .
2020 Year of the Metal Rat & Predictions
Think Twice, Speak Once y Rev Alfred Willowhawk
Lady Rhea, New Yorks Witch Queen
A Walk Among the Trees by Sirona Rose
Crystal Healing and Magic
And our regular sections

Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine May, June, July 2019) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. .
Beltaine : Rituals and More by Rain Dove
Adaptogens, the Key to Survival by Sirona Rose
Belladonna LaVeau, Arch-Priestess, ATC
Kiss of the Goddess, Turquoise
Egyptian 42 Judges of the Dead
Crafting your magic by Fox Rose
The Beginnings : Norse life and religion
And our regular sections

Witch's Brew, Published quarterly by Circle of Ancient Sisters, Pagan Magazine May, June, July 2019) Quarterly magazine for the Pagan community. Each issue contains information, guides, and news of groups around the globe. Helpful information for all traditional practitioners. Magazine also in print. PRINTED VERSION
This Issue contains
Making a Drakkenhorn
Heathen Holidays
Spotlight The Troth by Amy Dunlow
Norse Herbs b Sirona Rose
Identifying Stones by Steve Fannin
and much more of our regular articles
and much much more.....
Witch's Brew, Vol 7 Issue 1

This issue contains
Hazel Tree Lore
Sirona Rose Bio
Owl Totem Animal
Amazonite by S. Fannin
plus our regular articles

Year of the Earth Dog
The Earth Is Alive with Shadow and Light
Ginger Ackley, Musician and Showman Extraordinaire
Lei-Gong Chinese God of Thunder
Yemanjá’s - The Mother Goddess of Water By Daniel Faria de Freitas
Plus all the regular features….
The Witch's Brew, Vol. 6 Issue 1
Year of the Earth Dog
The Earth Is Alive with Shadow and Light (Alfred Willowhawk)
Ginger Ackley, Musician and Showman Extraordinaire
Lei-Gong Chinese God of Thunder
Yemanjá’s - The Mother Goddess of Water By Daniel Faria de Freitas
Plus all the regular features….
Witch's Brew, Vol 5 Issue 4
In-depth Wheel of the Year
The history of the word Witch
You Got This by Alfred Willowhawk
Burning Sage Band and much more
Witch's Brew, Vol. 5 Issue 3
July, Aug., Sept 2017 This issue contains
Chinese Magic & Witchcraft
Obsidean:Parting the Veil by Nicholas Pearson
BeeHive Coven of Louisiana
Bee Goddesses of the Ages
The Witch's Herbal and More

By Circle of Ancient Sisters in Witch's Brew
30 pages, published 7/11/2018